Wind and Ice Values
The IBC defers to The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to determine wind and ice forces. The standard referenced by the IBC is ASCE 7 – Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.
The applicable version of ASCE 7 depends on which version of the IBC that is adopted by the local building code.
- For IBC 2012 & 2015 use ASCE 7-10
- For IBC 2018 & 2021 use ASCE 7-16
- For IBC 2024 & 2027 use ASCE 7-22
Each version of ASCE 7 has different wind and ice values for a given site location. This information can be found online at:
To use the online ASCE 7 Hazard Tool:
- Close the welcome message.
- Enter the address or the latitude and longitude for the installation site and press “Search”.
- Pick the appropriate version of ASCE 7. (-10, -16 or -22)
- Select a Risk Category. Fences typically fall under Risk Category I, but the client may specify a higher Risk Category (e.g. II, III or IV) which would increase the forces.
- Site Soil Class can be ignored as this is only used for seismic calculations which are beyond the scope of this design guide.
- Pick the wind and ice check boxes and click “View Results”.
- The wind velocity in miles per hour and nominal ice thickness in inches will be shown on the screen.
- Click “Details” for ice to get the 3-second Gust Speed required for ice loading.
For example, for Houston, TX, IBC 2021 / ASCE 7-16, Risk Category I, the values are:
Basic Wind Speed, Vw 128 mph
Nominal Ice Thickness, t 1.00 in
Concurrent / Gust Speed, Vi 30 mph
If there are not published values due to local geography, the values will have to be supplied by the local building authority.